Adikku Sayang Field Trip 2015, North Sumatra

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Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang, 2 July 2015

Taman Wisata Rohani “Salib Kasih,” 3 July 2015


Wednesday, 01 July 2015

At dawn, on 1st July 2015, Anugrah Ministries team flew to Medan, North Sumatra. Then continued the journey with bus going through Siantar City, and stayed overnight in Mandoge City, at the residence of Ps. Yafet Manurung, the District Head of Adikku Sayang North Sumatra.


Thursday, 02 July 2015

At 4 am the children of ALC (Anugrah Learning Center) Mandoge started coming. Right at 5 am, as planned, our bus departed. We were picking up children from ALC Sei Kopas, and ALC Aek Bontar along the way. Then we proceeded to Simpang Empat, Siantar City, whereby all the other children gathered. We made a convoy to go to the Field Trip location, at Taman Wisata Iman, in Sidikalang. The journey took three hours. At 9 am, we all arrived at our destination.

We started the Field Trip by having a service in a church at Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang. During the service, children from each center were given opportunity to present some songs. At the end of the service, the children got to know one another. They made friends with children from the other centers, and prayed for one another.

At noon, we all had lunch together. After lunch, all of us went to the park to participate in Adikku Sayang Cheer Competition. Under the cool shade of pine trees, each ALC showed what they got. After the competition, Anugrah Ministries team distributed new school bags to all the students of Adikku Sayang Scholarship Program, to prepare them better in entering the new academic year 2015-2016. They were overjoyed. Besides the new school bags, they also receive Manga comic books, presented by our sponsor.

We continued the event by walking around the location of the Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang. At the park, we found many plaques installed by the local government of Sidikalang Region that represent stories from the Bible.

These are the list of people who joined Adikku Sayang Field Trip from 11 centers of North Sumatra District:

No Name of Center Students Adults Total Keterangan
1 Mandoge Center 11 3 14
2 Sei Kopas Center 9 3 12
3 Jawa Tongah Center 9 3 12
4 Cinta Raja Center 7 2 9
5 Panambean Center 10 2 12
6 Nag. Teladan Center 10 3 13
7 Parapat Center 10 3 13
8 Pangk. Buntu Center 8 3 11
9 Saribu Jawa Center 8 2 10
10 Aek Bontar Center 10 2 12
11 Aras Satu Center 11 3 14
Total 103 29 132

Time went by so quickly. Before going home, we ate dinner together. At 6 pm, we all left the location of Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang, heading to our individual center. All went well, praise the Lord!

At 10 pm, Anugrah Ministries team continued the journey to Tarutung City, as on the next day we would be having Adikku Sayang Field Trip 2015 for Sibuluan Nauli Center, Aek Horsik Center, and Panipahan Center. Going through thick fog and cold weather, we finally reached Tarutung City at 3 am, and stayed overnight.

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Friday, 03 July 2015

Having rested for a few hours, Anugrah Ministries team were back in action to prepare for the Field Trip ahead, specifically for ALC Sibuluan Nauli, ALC Aek Horsik, and ALC Panipahan.

All the participants of the Field Trip gathered directly at the location, Taman Wisata Rohani “Salib Kasih” Tarutung, North Sumatra. We started by having lunch together. After lunch, we walked around the Taman Wisata Rohani “Salib Kasih.” We went hiking to the top of the hill while singing some songs. Throughout the uphill walk, we found some plaques stating stories from the Bible, such as the Ten Commandments written in the book of Exodus chapter 20.

The pine trees spread around the location of the Field Trip made it very comfortable for us. It was not hot at all. The children could rejoice, and not feel weary, though the walking rounds the hill. Forty-five minutes after going uphill, every one reached the top of the hill. We found a big, 45-meter tall Cross monument, which is named “Salib Kasih’’ (the Cross of Love). Not far from that huge cross, we found another important monument, whereby according to legend, a Hero of Faith from the land of Batak, knelt down and prayed. A German missionary, named DR. Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen, every day was kneeling down to pray at the exact location of the monument, crying out to God for the land of Batak to come back to worship the Lord, and the Lord answered his prayers.

A local tour guide gave us short explanation, and after that we took group picture. Then, Anugrah Ministries team distributed the Manga comic book, presented by our sponsor. The children sat together, center by center, and read the Manga comic book and discussed it among themselves for about 30 minutes. After that, we continued with the distribution of school bags, to help prepare them to be more ready in entering the new academic year 2015-2016. The children spontaneously burst in joy.

The number of participants of Adikku Sayang Field Trip 2015 from ALC Aek Horsik was 10 students, from ALC Sibuluan 9 students, and from ALC Panipahan 7 students. The total number of participants was 35 people, including Anugrah Ministries team, Center Leaders, and Teachers. Everything went well, praise the Lord! We would love to express our heart-felt gratitude to our sponsors who have helped to ensure the success of this Adikku Sayang Field Trip 2015 in North Sumatra. God bless!

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