House Of Love And Grace


S 01°33.873′ E121°42.570′ – 1,500 meter above sea level



Uetuwu (means river of life) is a sub village located three hours from Salubiro Village in North Morowali regency, Central Sulawesi in Indonesia. The Wana (means jungle) ethnic people live in Uetuwu. They are primitive nomads and listed as one of the indigenous and unreached tribes in Indonesia. This interior of Sulawesi has no electricity and mostly still covered by thick jungle. The air is very fresh because there is no pollution. A very beautiful place with no paved roads which made it so hard to reach. From Jakarta, it usually takes our team about 35-45 hours to reach that place by flying, driving, motorbike riding and jungle trekking. Since the coming of some missionaries, this area has undergone so many changes. The establishment of House of Love and Grace (Pondok Kasih Anugrah) which functions as a mission home and children care home, gives so much positives impact to Wana Children. House of Love and Grace is our 10th Church Make-Over project. It was a collaboration project between Anugrah Ministries and APAC Ministries, Singapore. By the grace of Jesus, this mission home was opened on 6th of August 2012 and it is fully managed and operated by Anugrah Ministries. In January 2015, we will inaugurate Anugrah Kindergarten and Elementary School, which we built together with Cassey Puppet. For the curriculum, we will be working with our Sister School, Raising Star Institute in Jakarta. This school will be able to serve not only the children who live with us, but also others.


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