Recent Update from Uetuwu, 26-31 January 2016

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Having completed Sulawesi Road Show, on the 26th of January 2016, Anugrah team continued the journey back from Tahuna to Manado. From Manado, Ps. Daniel Hendrata and Ps. Debby Catharina took a flight to Luwuk, whereas for the rest of the team, one went to continue his duty in Toraja, and the other went back home to Jakarta.

Upon arrival in Luwuk, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby regrouped with Jonah Martin (a missionary from Canada, who will be teaching English to the students of Anugrah School in Uetuwu for the next 1.5 months). From Luwuk, we rode in the car for 8 hours to Baturube, and stayed overnight there.

The next day, we moved on with five motorcycles: three carrying passengers, and two carrying loads. The trip to Uetuwu, interior of Central Sulawesi is very unique, because it’s extreme off road. We had to go through many obstacles, the trail was winding up the mountain, steep, and slippery when we passed through rivers, or when it poured. Praise the Lord, it didn’t rain that day.

We stopped by at Salubiro Village on the way to Uetuwu Sub Village to oversee the Anugrah Learning Center there. Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby motivated and prayed for the center leader, teachers, and students of Adikku Sayang Scholarship Program.

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When we reach Uetuwu, the children who live in Pondok Kasih Anugrah, teachers, Mr. Slamet Sihombing (Headmaster of Anugrah School), his wife, Mrs. Ami Situmorang, and also their 4-month-old baby girl, Daniella, gave us a warm welcome.

For 5 days and 4 nights, Ps Daniel and Ps. Debby gave a lot of encouragement to the teachers. They also gave attention to the children, those who live in Pondok Kasih Anugrah, and the students of Anugrah School, Uetuwu.

Ps. Debby had a chance to teach Religious Studies to the Elementary students, while Mr. Jonah Martin English. He will be doing this for the next 1.5 months. The improvement of these indigenous children of Wana is amazing. They are no longer shy, and started to gain confidence in conversing in English.

Every morning, we wake up at 4.30 am and prayed together. After that, we will take turn to read the Word of God. The older children would help the younger ones, teaching them how to read. There is no electricity yet in Uetuwu Sub Village, so we had to read with torchlight, as it was still dawn. After reading the Word of God and short devotion, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby laid hands on the children and released God’s blessing upon them.

Then they would take shower one by one, do their chores when on duty, and prepare themselves for school. They would also have breakfast before school. Though the food we prepare is very simple, the children are grateful. They would sing a song, “I’m blessed, in my whole life I’m blessed…” Such an amazing attitude they have; their hearts overflowing with gratitude, though what they have is not comparable to what the city kids have.

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During our stay there, Ps. Daniel and the teachers paid a visit to the local houses, to mingle with the community. On Sunday, 31st of January 2016, Ps. Daniel delivered the Word of God at Anugrah Church which has been established there for more than a year, making disciples of the people of Uetuwu. They received the Word with joy.

After the service, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby started their journey back to Baturube, Luwuk, and thus Jakarta. This has been a wonderful trip altogether. We hope the seeds that have been planted will not come back in vain, but will produce fruits, 30, 60, and 100 folds. Uetuwu for the glory of God. Thanks to the partners of Anugrah Ministries who have been supporting us so this outreach program to the indigenous tribe of Wana can be well carried out and maintained. God bless!

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