Passover Services in Surabaya, 19-22 April 2014

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Shalom to Surabaya! Ps. Daniel Hendrata together with Ps. Debby Catharina, and their son, James were in Surabaya on these dates for a series of Passover ministry.

On Resurrection Sunday, 20th of April 2014, Ps. Daniel was delivering the Word of God at GBI Rock – Royal Residence at 10 am. The sermon topic was taken from Luke 24:5 about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The ministry continued at Rock English Service – Atlas at 5 pm. It was amazing to be able to minister in the Hero City where both Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby were originally from. Meeting up with friends from the old time was a bonus for this trip. Also meeting up young people from YWAM (Youth With A Mission) USA who were joining the Rock English Service.

On Monday evening, 21st April 2014, Ps. Daniel was ministering at Passover Celebration conducted by New Creation Community. This is a newly developed fellowship that believes strongly in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The title of the sermon was Jesus has Redeemed My Sin, taken from 2 Cor 5:21.

On Tuesday evening, 22nd April 2014, Ps. Daniel was ministering in a home fellowship located in Manyar Kartika. He was sharing about 1 John 5:4-5, the Goodness of God Brings Increase in Our Lives.

All in all it was a wonderful time spent in Surabaya. All glory to God. May the Word that has been planted, be implemented in the lives of the people and bear much fruit for the kingdom of God. Amen.

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