Church MakeOver 21 GPDI Hosana, Hilimbowo Village, Nias

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Church MakeOver #21 GPDI Hosana, Hilimbowo Village, Nias.

22 March 2014

After years of praying for the completion of their church building, finally God answered them. GPDI Hosana Church is located in Hilimbowo village, Nias island. Pastor Efery Laoli (37 years old) who used to be a gangster, received the calling of God to pioneer this church since the year of 2000 after his repentance. He and his wife have 4 children. Now, the church has 120 congregants, mostly working as farming laborers.

The condition of the church before CMO was as follows: measured 9x14m, wooden walls, having a zinc roof but without ceiling, no flooring, and no toilet for the congregation. In this CMO, we will put the flooring in, install ceiling, add a porch, give finishing to the wooden walls, and build two public bathrooms (where they can shower, wash clothes, and go to toilet) for the congregation and community.

22 March 2014 marked the beginning of the 21st project of CMO. Alders Daniel, as the representative of Anugrah Ministries, after having a service together, symbolically made concrete floor, followed by the local Pastor, Head of the village, Tribal Chief, Head of the Committee, and Construction Leader. GPDI Hosana has now officially become our 21st CMO project.

The congregation is very enthusiastic. Wanting to have a more decent church building, children and adults work hand in hand to manually transport the building materials for approximately 2 km. Cars cannot go into the village, they only have a walking pathway.  Every student who comes home everyday passing the building material depo will voluntarily carry a sack of sand and rocks, or pull iron rods. In the same manners, women coming home from the market will participate to carry a sack of sand and rocks. Moreover the men, it has been their delight to be involved in the process of God’s work. Amazing!

Thanks to our donators for their contributions that supported us to begin this 21st project of CMO. Glory to God. Amen!

If you are burdened to support us doing similar projects, please contact us. There are many other churches, with indecent condition, waiting for your help. 

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The Inauguration of CMO 21-GPdI Hosana, Hilimbowo Village, Nias, 24th of October 2014

Still inNias island, our team was in the series of inaugurating 3 CMO projects: #20, #21, and #22.

The journey going to Hilimbowo Village in Nias was exciting. First, from Gunungsitoli we drove for about two and a half hours, then at a certain point, the road condition got very bad, and we had to pass by a cliff. So, for the sake of our safety, we had to continue the journey by motorcycles for about 30 minutes in order to reach the village.

Upon arrival, we saw how the people in the village were so enthusiastically waiting for us. They even prepared a welcoming banner to express more gratitude for the project we did for them. Among the attendance, there were District Leaders of the GPdI Synods, pastors of other churches, and even from the church alliances. Their presence shows the significanceof this event.

Ps. Daniel Hendrata was asked to cut the ribbon and then to inspect how the church building was neatly done. This project is unique, many participated to fund it, such as their congregations, another organization, but Anugrah Ministries paid more than 60% of the cost. Although in the village, we can say that the finishing of this church is pretty good and organized.  It only took them five months to complete Church Makeover #21 project and two public bathrooms (whereby the people can take shower, go to toilet, and wash clothes) as our contribution to the community. It brings joy when a church is able to work in such positive manner.

At the revival meeting, Ps. Daniel preached about ‘Faith that Overcomes the World’ from 1 John 5:4-5, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.  Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” He taught the congregation to believe and understand that even though they live in a small village, God is able to raise them up to promote them. Poverty is not too big of a problem, because God who is in us is greater than any problem in this world. For all things are possible. Many of the congregation did not understand Indonesian, so the sermon had to be interpreted into Nias dialect by Ps. Every Laoli (the pastor of GPdIHilimbowo). At the end of the Revival Meeting, many gave their lives to Jesus, and accepted Him as Lord and Savior. Hallellujah!

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