Church Make Over 40: GKPKB Abdi Agape, Kase Village, West Kalimantan

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What a beautiful morning in a small and friendly village, Kase Village, which is located at Jelimpo District, Landak Region, West Kalimantan Province. Anugrah Team was there to carry out God’s mission: to help the weak. This time, Anugrah Team was about to start the 40th project of Church MakeOver (CMO) at a church by the name of GKPKB Abdi Agape, under the covering of Gereja Kristen Protestan Kalimantan Barat (GKPKB) synode. GKPKB whose orientation is to serve the Dayak tribe who live in West Kalimantan, was established in the past by the Western missionaries. This church in Kase, truly because of the will of God, has been standing to serve the needs of the people who inhabitate the land. The evidence can be seen in the significant growth of the congregation.

Pastor Muin, a servant of God who dedicated himself to God and His work, together with his wife, Dina Marsiana, went into Kase Village and pioneered their ministry in the year of 1997, with only 5 families as congregation. They served God’s people faithfully from one home to another. Their Sunday Service kept moving from one congregation’s home to another. Having gone through it for 10 years, they finally decided to build a church building in 2007. Praise they Lord, they manaded to do it, though with simple construction and materials. All they had was full spirit, “as long as there is a place to worship.”

Time passed, seasons changed, the condition of the church building started deteriorating, because of the simple materials they used. The ceiling almost collapsed a few times, mainly due to rotten wood. They kept struggling, asking God for a way out so their church building can be renovated. It was not possible to expect the congregation to come up with the building fund. Most of them are just traditional farmers with minimum income, which may not even be enough to cover for food for the whole family. After some time struggling, God finally allowed them to meet Anugrah Ministries, through GoodNews Program. They sent their proposal in 2014. At the beginning of 2017, Anugrah Ministries appointed GKPKB Abdi Agape as her 40th CMO project.

That Sunday, on 22nd January 2017, at 9 am, all the congregation have gathered to fill the sanctuary. They were joyfully welcoming Anugrah Team. Happiness can be seen on everyone’s face. When we asked them why they were so happy, they answered, “Praise the Lord, finally we will have a good and decent church building. Thank you, Uncle Anugrah!” They were genuinely happy because on that day they could see the fulfillment of God’s promise, which they had been long waiting and praying for. Exactly at 9.30 am, we started with a short service, continued with the signing of MOU between Anugrah Ministries and GKPKB Abdi Agape. Then, symbolically installing one pillar, to mark the beginning of the 40th CMO project.


These are the things that we will do at CMO 40:
1. Replacing the roof frames and truss (most have been attacked by termites)
2. Replacing the zink roof
3. Installing new ceiling
4. Replacing the rotten wood pillars
5. Extending the building forward by 4m (from 8x16m to 8x20m)
6. Replacing the rotten doors and windows
7. Adding front porch to the church building

Thanks for the support that we have received from our sponsors, so we can start this 40th project of CMO. Please pray for us so we can carry out this program well, for the glory of God’s name. In this year, 2017, Anugrah Ministries is planning to do 18 CMO projects. If any of you have the desire to be a part of this ministry, please contact us via email at [email protected] or through our call center +6281977435763. God bless!

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