2014: Receiving Nations As Our Inheritance

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Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.

Psalm 2:8  


The year 2014 will be a very interesting year indeed. Just to name a few: Public Election, Presidential Election, moments of recovery for many people after economic turmoil in 2013, and not to forget the World Cup in Brazil. We believe this is going to be a great season for the children of God. God will make us to be prosperous, with a specific mission: to be God’s extended hands for those who are in needs.

When we study closely the word “nations”, we will find two significant meanings: 1. Gentiles (non believers).  2. People of different ethnic groups and countries. This verse reminds us of the real purpose of our lives: To love God and to bring others to love Him through our business, family, ministry, and daily affairs. Many times we are too easily diverted off this purpose, because of the many problems and challenges in our lives. We tend to complain or even run away from our calling in order to find our own pleasures and agenda, but God wants to use us to reach out to the “nations”. This is the time when we can be refreshed and back on track again.

Having the nations as our inheritance is really extraordinary. This is not only talking about how God will expand our territorial, but He will also send us to raise leaders and churches to be ready for the end times mega harvest. It is quite intriguing because from 2003 we have been coordinating and interpreting for many foreign pastors from different nations. Since 2008, Debby and I have also been preaching in other countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Israel, Vietnam, Australia, and China. These have become moments of preparations for us to see the Word and promises of God from global point of view. Indeed, Jesus commanded us to preach the Good News until the end of the world.

In Anugrah Ministries, we also reach out to different tribes and ethnic groups in Indonesia. Good News program can be viewed throughout the archipelago, in the valleys, up in the mountains, and even deep in the jungle. At this point of time, we have approximately 5 million viewers, and God is about to expand us beyond our boundaries as we are on the verge of birthing a Web TV.

We are very grateful for your support. You are one of the reasons we can do what we had achieve. Now,lets prepare ourselves to lunch into the deep, as what Jesus told Peter in Luke 5. With your support, we are optimist that together we will be able to win these nations, one at a time. Let’s use this Christmas season to share what the Lord has blessed us with. Just as Christ has come and shared His life to save us.

Therefore, we believe that from this point of time, we will start speaking not only to individuals and churches, but we will also be addressing issues in the level of nations. As partners, we hope you would prepare yourself too, because when the promotion is taking place, ready or not, you too will be blessed beyond what you can think of. Have a blessed Christmas 2013 and New Year of 2014. God bless you!


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