The Test of Faith

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Reading Verse: Genesis 22:1-24

Then God said, “Take your son , your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah.

Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

Genesis 22:2


When Abraham got a son, then his faith was tested. God tested his faith by ordering him to sacrifice Isaac. God asked Abraham to give his only son to God. But Abraham was able to go through it. He obeyed and followed what God ordered him to do. Abraham trusted God. And God saw Abraham’s faith. Because of his obedience and faith, God provided another offering to replace Isaac.

In this life, sometimes we are tested by problems or challenges that could make us doubtful. When problems come, we should remain strong and trust God because trials will never exceed our strength to overcome them. We will be able to face every problem.

The Word of God says that our lives are not because of what we see, but what we believe in. So, in any circumstances we should trust God. We’ve got to believe that God will fulfill His promises. We’ve got to believe that our circumstances will be restored. Trust is one way to see God’s glory.

Even when we don’t understand what is going on in our lives, keep believing in God until we find out His will. God knows the path of our lives. Therefore, if He tested us, we will come out pure and shining as gold.

The test that we get is a process that will make us know and trust God even more. When everything goes well, it is easy to trust God. But, when we are in hard times, will we still be able to trust God? If we choose to trust God, then we will see the best from God. In any circumstances, we should learn to keep our trust in Him because He is a good God, who cares about us.

From this moment on, never live in doubt. Instead, let us live in faith. Believe that God will never leave us. He will guide us to a green field and a pieceful spring.


God will give victory to each of us. Amen.

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