Strong in God

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Reading Verse: Joshua 17:1-18

 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power

Ephesians 6:10

Many people do exercise so they can be healthy and strong. This is good since it can make us healthy physically. As in spiritual way, we also must be strong and firm. Ephesians says that we should be strong in His mighty power. Being strong does not mean we will never be weak, but in all circumstances we can stand firm and not easy to be shaken. Our strength is in jesus alone because He is the source of our lives. Don’t be weak in troubles because we can do all thigs through Him who gives us strength. Indeed, it is not easy to be strong in hardship. Therefore, we need to always meditate on the Word and carry it out. Test or problem can never be expected, so we need to feed our faith daily with the Word of God. Psalm 1:2-3 says that blessed is the one who meditate on His law day and night and that person is like a tree who yields its fruits in season. We also need to do the Word so when the trouble comes we will not be shaken. If we want to be strong in God, then we must make the Word as the principle in living this life.

We should also remain joyful in order to be strong, because the Word encourages us to be joyful in all circumstances. The joy of the Lord is our strength. The joy from Him is different from what the world offers. Be joyful for God, so that we remain strong in Him. Further, we must have hope in God because hope in Him never disappoints. When in doubt, let us place our hope in God so that our faith can become strong again. In addition, color our lives with prayers, praise and worship to God in order to remain strong. When Jesus was about to be crucified, He prayed to the Father to be given strength in facing everything. So, when we experience a bad situation, let us pray to be strong. When we praise God, He will also strengthen our faith. We will experience His power.

Always live in God to stay strong. Be a strong and firm personality in God. Do not dismay. Believe that God will provide victory for us. Amen.

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