Seasons in Life

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Reading Verse: Genesis 8:1-22

While the earth remain, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22

Life is like farmers who always plant seeds and harvest. All things come and go, such as joy and sorrow, failure and success. We always experience these as long as we live in this world. There are even times when we face hard seasons. However, we should remain strong in any circumstances because everything has its own season. God has arranged everything beautifully. We don’t experience troubles or failures forever. It is written in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that everything has its own time. God will always give His help.

When we are in trouble, just believe that God is always working in all things together for good to those that love God (Romans 8:28). God wants to train our character. Behind every trouble, there is God’s beautiful plan. A trouble is one way to mature our faith. Going through troubles make our faith grow and be stronger. God has no bad plans; His way for us is full of goodness.

When we encounter hard times, we should remain faithful in God. Keep hoping for His help. In good situations, we should be able to thank God because all things are from His grace. Our life is nothing without God. Even in the worst situations, we should not become bitter because God will never leave us. His love is always with us.

There are moments in life when we should be quiet and calm before God. There are times when we can only give all of our burdens to Him. There are also times when we accept His blessing and His help. The most important thing is that we should be able to enjoy every season of our life. We should be able to be grateful because God is the good God. He is the only source of our strength and hope whenever we are in troubles.

No matter what situation we are in right now, keep doing our parts, because God will always be working in our life. He will be with us in going through every season of our life. Thank God because He is good and His love and mercy endure forever.

God will give us victory. Amen.

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