Don’t Wallow in Failures

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Reading Verse: Numbers 16:1-50

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do:

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”

Philippians 3:13


Patrick Beckert is a speed skating athlete from Germany at the February 2010 Winter Olympic in Vancouver, Canada.  He was the fourth alternate in the race thus he didn’t make it to the final. He was so disappointed that he decided to leave his base camp and turned off his cell phone. At the same time, Enrico Fabis, the two-time gold medalist of Italy, withdrew from the race because of injury. In fact, it was a chance for Beckert to fill in the spot, but his non-availability made him lose the chance.

Similarly during hard times, we tend to wallow in our problems or failures that can bring ourselves into sorrow, disappointments, and make us become pessimistic. In any conditions of life, we are supposed to move on and never wallow in the problems because withdrawing ourselves from problems will not give us solutions, but it will only make us far from victory. Life goes on, and if we stay still we will lose a chance to gain a victory.

Don’t give up easily because God created us to be conquerors. He always gives us a chance to reach a victory. Never get defeated by a situation, on the other hand we should be able to go over the problem by raising and grinding continuously. Spend time with something that we can do because God will bless us if if we have perseverance and diligence. Unfortunately, sometimes people get affected by their pasts. This could make them pessimists and hard to move on. Keep in mind that success is set before us, not behind us so we have to keep moving on to reach the destination. God never looks at our failures in the past, so never wallow in problems. We should throw away all stumbling blocks from our lives.

God has already had a beautiful plan for each of us. Let’s from today forward we keep walking to reach our dreams.


Never go back and quit because God has provided victory for us. Amen


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