Outreach Solo, JKI Pondok Daud, 12-14 February 2016

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Pastor Daniel Hendrata and Pastor Debby Catharina have not been back to Solo for two years. But it’s time to visit the city again. This time, they were invited and hosted by JKI Pondok Daud church. The main purpose of the visit was to equip and empower the families there with the Guard Your Family teaching.

The first session of Guard Your Family seminar started on the 12th of February 2016 at 6pm. At this first session, the crowd was divided into two groups: the husband’s group and the wife’s group. Ps. Daniel was teaching in the husband’s group, and Ps. Debby the wife’s group. Each of them got to address sensitive and intimate issues (that happen in the family) for the specific gender. Laughter and fun remarks could be heard here and there as the session continued on.

After that, we had a short dinner break, and then we regrouped at the second session, and learned about Communication and Intimacy. This subject is essential for husband and wife relationship. We closed the night with question and answer session. This too is a very important session as both Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby got to tackle real problems and offer solutions.

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We continued with the third session on the next day, 13th of February 2016 at 6pm. Here, the crowd was divided into two groups again: the parents’ group and the children’s group. Ps. Daniel was teaching in the parents’ group, and Ps. Debby the children’s group. They were addressing issues that parents face while raising the children, and likewise issues that children face while growing up. The children were assigned to write a love letter to their parents as appreciation and heart-felt gratitude.

We had a short dinner break before we regrouped at the fourth session, and learned about SMART Parenting. Children growing up in this era face different challenges than those faced by the parents, therefore parents need to be equipped with necessary tools to eliminate unnecessary headache and trouble. In turn, SMART parents will be able to equip their children on how to face their challenges victoriously. At the end of the session, the children gave their love letter to their parents; we can see smiles on their faces as they read the lines. It was such a happy moment. Then when Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby asked the parents to lay hands on their children to release blessing upon them, it became very touchy. They also forgave one another. That night, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby declared that family restoration would take place in Solo, represented by the families that attended the seminar.

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On Sunday, 14th of February 2016, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby were ministering at JKI Pondok Daud in two services. The first service was at 7.30am, Ps. Daniel was preaching about God’s Vision for Family, taken from 1 Cor 9:26 (NKJV), “Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air.” Ps. Debby got to share her testimony and present a song, CintaMu Padaku.

The second service was at 5pm. Ps. Daniel preached together with Ps. Debby on The Power of Purpose, taken from John 4:34 (NKJV), “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” Ps. Debby also got to present her song, Tuhan Engkau Setia.

It has been an amazing trip. We pray that the work that has been done in Solo will produce much fruit for the glory of God. See you next time, Solo! God bless


PS: If your church want to host Guard Your Family Seminar, send us email to [email protected] or call us at +62 81977 435763

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