Feeding the Poor: Congregation along the Warakas Railroads

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Before the ministry date, Anugrah Ministries team prepared all the packages that would get distributed, from purchasing until putting them into the pails.

On the 8th of March 2012, we distributed the food supplies to the congregation of Warakas Railroad, in Tanjung Priok. The congregation is under the leadership of Ps. Abraham Sugio who came to be the guest speaker of Good News program previously. Over there Mr. Agus, as the representative of Ps. Abraham Sugio, accompanied us. They cheerfully welcomed us, and the congregation had been expectantly waiting to receive spiritual and physical blessing.

Ps. Daniel Hendrata delivered the message that day about A Blessed Man, taken from Psalms 1:1-6. After the message, Anugrah Ministries team was praying for the people who came forward during the altar call.

At the end of the service, we distributed the food supply packages which consisted of rice, oil, sugar, coffee, tea and instant noodles. Anugrah Ministries team and the church workers worked hand in hand to bring down the 220 packages from the truck into the church, because the road was very narrow, the truck could not get inside the alley. All was done while singing praises to the Lord. All tiredness, fatigue, and weariness disappeared. The package distribution went very well.

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