Disaster Relief Aids to the flood victims in Kapuk Mangga Ubi, January 2013

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Anugrah team hit the road again to distribute disaster relief aids to the flood victims in Kapuk Mangga Ubi. Jakarta once again was paralysed by the flood, and our team went to do the distribution three times. On the first two, we distributed each 350 fast-food packages and mineral water.

On the third visit, Anugrah team was divided into two groups. The first team arrived at 10 am, bringing 5 doctors and 4 nurses to do free medics on 1.000 patients. In between, the flood victims were also entertained by Casey Puppet. The message of the puppet show was that everything happens for good.

In the afternoon the second team arrived, bringing 600 packages of food supplies. Each contained rice, oil, sugar, milk, tea, coffee, instant noodles, soap, toothpaste, and toothbrush. Praise the Lord, the distribution went well. Thanks to the Marines who have escorted us, GSPDI Mangga Ubi, local community leaders, and the donators who have funded this program. May God reward you for your kindness, Amen.

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