CMO 25: GPdI Hosana Amboyo Utara, West Kalimantan

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The Start of CMO 25: GPdI Hosana Amboyo Utara, West Kalimantan, 25 November 2014

Still from West Kalimantan. This is a historical and blessed day for all the congregation of GpdI Hosana North Amboyo, located in Gasing Paal 4 Ilong Sub Village, North Amboyo Village, West Kalimantan, because their church was appointed to be Anugrah Ministries’ 25th Church MakeOver (CMO) project. It means the congregation that is under the leadership of Ps. Torsina Menda Sinuraya and her husband, will soon have a newly improved and decent church building.

Ps. Torina pioneered this church in 2001. Started only with one family who had received miracles from God right after Ps. Torsina prayed for them. In 2006, they started building a church building, though they faced many difficulties due to the low income of the congregation. Today, the number of congregation totals to 36 souls. 70% of them work as farming laborers, either in rubber or palm tree plantation.

Today, all the congregation and neighbors were expectantly waiting for Anugrah Ministries team. They could not wait to see the Opening Ceremony of CMO 25. Like any previous CMOs, the ceremony started with a service, led by Alders Daniel Panebaren (Field Coordinator, Anugrah Ministries). After the service, we started the project of CMO #25 by installing bricks to the walls.

These are the things that we will do in CMO 25:

  • Installing bricks to the surrounding walls (to replace temporary walls made of cement   padded to mosquito nets)
  • Installing tiles as flooring
  • Installing ceiling
  • Making a terrace
  • Installing windows and church door
  • Finishing 2 units of public bathroom (where people can take shower, wash clothes, and go to toilet)

Thanks to the partners of Anugrah Ministries for the faithful support that we have been receiving that enables us to do CMO projects up to this point, number 25. May the Lord Himself bless every donation that was given. Jesus bless you!

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The Inauguration of Church MakeOver (CMO) 25: GPdI Hosana, North Amboyo, West Kalimantan, 7 May 2015 

God really has not stopped working His wonders. After inaugurating CMO 24 GPdI El-Gibbor Church in Prembang, Anugrah Ministries continued to inaugurate CMO 25 GPdI Hosana in North Amboyo. Both churches are located in West Kalimantan.

The inauguration of CMO 25 was conducted on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 5pm. We started it with a service. Full of energy, congregation and attendees followed through the service, lifting up praise and worship to God for His goodness. Then we continued with the handing over of the church building that had been completely madeover by Anugrah Ministries (represented by Ps. Daniel Hendrata) to the congregation of GPdI Hosana in North Amboyo (represented by the local pastor, Ps. Torsina Menda Sinuraya). The handing over was marked symbolically by signing the plaque, witnessed by all the congregation and attendees.

Like a dream, finally their church building was properly established, remembering their low economic background. Even the pastor has to sell bottled water in order to support her family’s needs. Her husband works in the field, but she cannot depend solely on his income to make ends meet for both or them, and for their three children. What a great joy they felt that day, because the years of their struggle to have a decent sanctuary had ended that day. God has already answered them.

Ps. Daniel Hendrata then delivered a message about “Faith” taken from the book of Hebrews chapter 11. At the end of the service, Ps. Daniel gave an altar call for family reconciliation. Tears were unevitable; everybody cried. Due to economic pressure, sometimes family relationship is not so well taken care of, whether husband and wife, or parents and children relationship. The Holy Spirit was moving to restore His people. After the service, we ate dinner together which they had prepared. Then, Ps. Daniel continued to give training to the church leaders and workers until 10pm. Praise God all went well.

These are the things that we madeover in this CMO 25th project at GPdI Hosana North Amboyo:

On the 6x10m Church Building:

  1. Demolished the old church building and rebuilding the new one
  2. Installing concrete foundation and bricked surrounding walls
  3. Adding 2x3m tiled church terrace
  4. Fixing the ceiling, outdoor and indoor
  5. Tiling the floor and stage with 40x40cm ceramic tiles
  6. Installing doors and windows of the church
  7. Painting the new church building
  8. Adding a staircase infront of the church building

Besides that, we also installed drilled-water well to supply clean water and one unit of 2x4m public bathroom, that we presented as our contribution for the community.

Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ who has allowed us to finish this project well. Thanks to the partners of Anugrah Ministries who supported this CMO 25th project, so it can be a blessing, not only to the congregation, but also to their surrounding community. Amen.

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