CMO – 19 GSJA Batu Karang, Banjarnegara

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Ps. Johanes Masdur, together with his wife and four children, pioneered to establish GSJA Batu Karang, in Banjarnegara, Central Java since 1996. His ministry is equipped with the gift of healing, so until this year, 2013, the number of his congregation has grown to 45 people. They are mostly working as labourers in the farm.

Though ministering to a poor congregation, Ps. Johanes Masdur has a respectable reputation as a servant of God. He is appointed as the leader of PDGD (Front Line Fellowship) for Banjarnegara and its surrounding. PDGD is a fellowship specifically for servants of God and pastors. His church has a big potential in reaching out for lost souls in the surrounding.

The condition of the church building is not decent. The roof is leaking and ruining the ceiling, also causing the bamboo truss to be rotten. The ceiling may fall anytime and cause injuries. Therefore, Anugrah Ministries chose this church as our 19th CMO project.

5 Oct 2013 marked the beginning of this project. We are going to renovate the roof and ceiling, also change the bamboo truss with the new one. On top of that, we will renovate the pastoral home so it will be decent for living. There is no ceiling on their home, so they are forced to use plastic on top of their bed, to make sure dust and debris of the roof does not fall on their faces and bodies when they are asleep. Their bathroom’s walls are made of wood, and already moldy. We are going to change that with brick walls. We will also transform their pathetic kitchen to become decent. Stay tuned for the upcoming updates from our CMO team. God bless!

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Inauguration of CMO 19, GSJA Batu Karang, Purwonegoro, Central Java. 11 February 2014.

On 11th of February 2014, Anugrah Ministries is back to inaugurate one more church that we have completely madeover. GSJA Batu Karang church, our 19th CMO (Church MakeOver) project is located in Purwonegoro, Central Java. Our team took 5-hour train journey from Jakarta to Purwokerto, and continued with 2-hour journey by car.

When we finally reached the destination, we were welcomed by Ps. Johanes Masdur (the pastor of GSJA Batu Karang) and his congregation and other fellow servants of God. About 70 people attended the Inauguration Service/Revival Meeting. We started the service by listening to Ps. Johanes’ testimony how he used to have low self esteem because of the condition of his church building and pastoral home. Many people looked down on them, but now he’s very grateful for God’s amazing grace in his life and ministry.

Ps. Daniel Hendrata enthusiastically shared the word of God about God’s Goodness Brings Breakthrough for Us. Everyone was listening very attentively. At the end of his sermon, he took the time to pray for all, especially the servants of God so they will keep on fire in serving the Lord. Everyone was blessed. They even took the initiative to take a special offering that they sowed as a seed to Anugrah Ministries.

The next day, Ps. Daniel and team were back to the church to give Strategic Planning seminar to the church leaders and workers. About 20 of them joined the seminar. During Question and Answer session, they asked many questions regarding church development, and Ps. Daniel wisely answered them. At the end, everyone felt contented and blessed. Finally our team had to go back to Jakarta. It was a pleasure to be among them. We really hope they will excel to new heights after the makeover.

Special thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled us to carry out this project, and our partners for their continual support. To God be the glory! Amen!

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