The Opening of Anugrah Learning Center in Salubiro Village, 26th of February 2015

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Right after we dedicated the school buildings in Uetuwu, the next day our team went to Salubiro village in order to deploy Adikku Sayang scholarship program over there. There has been a request made by the Head of the village that Anugrah Ministries can start Adikku Sayang program there. The problem is about the same with most of the areas we have. There are students who are keen to learn, but their parents are not financially capable to support them. This is where Adikku Sayang scholarship program would be most effective.

It took us about 2.5 hours on foot to reach Salubiro from Uetuwu. When we arrived, the students gave us a warm welcome. About 40 of them gathered together with their parents, and some other people who are curious about what’s going on. We visited Mr. Rahmat’s home. He was the ex Head of the village who requested us to deploy this program there. After a long discussion and explaining to the parents what Adikku Sayang is all about, finally we agreed that we are going to start with 11 students who fit our requirements.

We took pictures with these 11 students including their parents as a sign that on that day they started to be listed as our students in Adikku Sayang program. This centre at Salubiro has become our 43rd Anugrah Learning Centre. The rest of the centres are widely spread in many areas in Indonesia. At Adikku Sayang scholarship program, we support these students with these following benefits: Tuition Fee and some other Academic Fees, Extra Nutrition during school days, Tutorial 3x a week to help them with their school works, and 2x Fieldtrip in a year. Thank you for your contribution and support in giving hope and opportunities to Indonesian students.

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