The Way To Success

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Reading Verse: Joshua 10:1-43

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much”

Luke 16:10

Generally, many people want to live successfully and try to reach success. The main thing to achieve success is perseverance. Like a farmer who is diligent in planting seeds and taking care of them until harvest time, we also need to persevere in what we do. Although what we do is simple and little, if we persevere and do it seriously, then it will bear great fruits. There is a reward behind perseverance and faithfulness. If we are faithful in small things, God will add to us bigger things. In addition, we need to be patient because God makes everything beautiful in His time. Keep your hope in Jesus until He reveals His work to us.

Furthermore, we need to endure in every process in life, because there will be time when we have to face challenges or trials, and in everything we must be strong and press on facing each process until we reach victory. In the Word of God, Joseph experienced an uneasy process because his brothers threw him into a well, sold him as a slave, but he endured it all. Behind all processes that happened to him, Joseph turned out to be successful and powerful. Indeed, a process is not easy to go through, but do not give up easily, because in all things God also works to bring goodness to those who love Him. Also believe that God’s plan for us is always good and beautiful. Always asks for strength from God so that we are enabled in going through every process. In order to achieve success we also must have focus toward the future while doing our part. Even though there might be many obstacles, we must keep pressing forward and even keep relying on God because He is the one who will lead us into success. Our ability is limited, but God’s power is unlimited so we need to always count on God.

Never easily give up in this life. We must stay strong, because there will always be hope with Jesus.

Even though we don’t see the revelation today, God is faithful and will bring us into victorious life. Amen. 

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