Raising From The Feeling of Giving Up

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Reading Verse: Leviticus 20:1-27

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Romans 8:37

The adversity of problems, challenges, and failures that people experience make them disappointed and give up. The problems or challenges in this life are inevitable, and giving up is not the best solution because life goes on no matter what. So no matter what happens, we should try to get back up from troubles and despair. Keep in mind that there is no problem bigger than our strength. Don’t wallow in despair because in God there is always hope which brings certainty for us, and only in Jesus we will find the best solution. Don’t focus on current circumstances, but we have to try to raise and keep going to reach for our life destination. If we stuck in despair and only stand still, then we will never reach our destinations.

Hold on to His promise and never doubt because His promise never fails. Don’t be afraid, focus on Jesus alone. While we are going through hardship, stay strong and firm in God because He will always help us. A failure is a process for us to achieve victory. God makes everything beautiful in its time.

We should raise from despair because we’ve got God who is in great power to do all things. As we see that everyting is hard to face, remember that Jesus is able to restore our circumstances and give His miraculous help. Despair will make us hard to see the power of God’s work. Therefore, never give up. We must be faithful in Jesus’ power which is bigger than anything we experience.

In order to get back up from despair, at least we should have faith that God is always with us and He will guarantee our lives despite of our current circumstances. Trust that God is the source of our help. No matter what you are facing today, keep walking forward to reach our destinations. Never drown in despair, but focus on Jesus who always gives us victory. Amen.

Let’s get back up from the feeling of giving up as we’ve got God who has great power in doing all things.


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