Building A Successful Life

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Reading Verse: Exodus 35:1-35

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

1 Corinthians 15:33


A victorious and successful life has always been the hope and dream of every human being. Building a successful life can’t be done instantly, it has to go thorugh a process. Firstly, we have to watch our relationship with others. As it is written in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that bad company corrupts good habits; so when we are surrounded by wrong people, it will be hard for us to achieve success. As in the story of the lost child, he left his home and went into town where he had bad company. As a result, he lost all of his wealth and went bankrupt. From this story we can learn that in order to build a successful life, we need to have a relationship with the right people. We must watch with whom we build our relationship with. We also have to pay attention to everything surround us so that our life is not affected by bad things.

Next, we have to live according to the Word of God because the written truth is the guidance for us to go through life. It is written in Joshua1:8 that we have to meditate on the Book of the Law day and night, so that we may be careful to do everything written in it. Then we will be prosperous and successful. Psalms 1 says that we will be blessed when we meditate on His word, everything that we do will be successful. So the main foundation to build success is to live in the Word and do the truth written in it because His word is the advice for us so we don’t take wrong decision. Let us obey the truth of the word of God.

In order to build a successful life, we also must work hard and not be lazy. No success can be achieved without effort and hardwork. God blesses us when we try. It is written in Proverbs 6:6 that we can learn from the ants who diligently work and gather their foods.

In addition, we must keep our hope in Jesus as the resource of all things. Never put our expectations on people, or in everything that we have, because the hope in the Lord is eternal. Blessed are those who always put hope in Him.

Although we experience failures and obstacles, never give up, keep moving forward in life because God’s plan is good and He will give victory in our life. Amen.

 In order to be successful, we should keep working hard and should not quit in any circumstances.


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