Reading verse: Leviticus 27: 1 – 34
“Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation.”
(Psalm 62:2)
Many people desire to lead a calm and peaceful life. They think that by having a lot of money, or having a high position, they will lead a calm and peaceful life. However, the real peace and calmness that comes from within lies only in God, for He is our sole source of calmness. Remember that everything we possess cannot give us happiness nor it can make us feel calm, for our possessions are temporary. It is only near God that we feel calm and at peace.
The moment we draw near to God, we inherit his promises that will give us calmness as it is stated in Hebrews 13:5b, “He will never leave us nor forsake us.” All of God’s promises give us strength and also the calmness to face all the challenges and trials in life. Hence, there is no need for us to worry.
Also, we should surrender to God. In surrendering to the Lord we can be calm and feel at peace, and we automatically feel at peace for Jesus is the guarantee of our lives. Hence, always surrender to the Lord. When we surrender to the Lord, He will work and act for us. Besides, we should also be always praying to Him, for prayers can also bring calmness and even stillness.
Thus, whenever we feel doubtful, pray to God and ask calmness from Him. To lead a calm and peaceful life, we have to depend wholly unto God, for He will never let us down if we put our hopes on Him. Therefore in this life, always surrender to Him to obtain calmness. Also, possess a hope that is in Jesus, and it will definitely give us calmness too.
From now on, let us learn to remain calm despite all the problems or mishaps we may be facing in future, for we still have Jesus who gives us calmness and victory. Amen.
The moment we feel doubtful, pray to God and He will give us calmness
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