Involving God

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Reading Verse: Genesis 19:1-38

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21


When God created men, He gave them special intelligence and free will. Men are given freedom to make choices. Eventually, we often times do everything on our own, make our plans, and even depend on ourselves.

Men with their knowledge usually think that they are able to do and make various plans. They are certain that their plans are perfect and will succeed. It is written in Proverbs 19:21 that “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”.  It means that no matter how perfect our plans are, all final decisions are in God’s hands, and we can’t go against His will. Therefore, in everything that we do, such as choosing a life partner or a job, let us always involve God. Remember that God knows all things, He knows the best for us so we should depend on Him.

One simple example that we involve God is when we are praying. Praying is one proof that we depend on and involve God in our life. Although it may look simple, praying has great effects. When we pray, we get God’s guidance that will bring us into success. So, every time we wake up, let us take some time to pray to God.

When we involve God, He will bless us. It is written in Jeremiah17:7 that blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. Therefore, if we want to be successful, involve God in each of our plans. God will appreciate it whenever we involve Him in our life.

Involving God in life will make us more confident and have no fear in facing anything. We have a lot of unpredictable things ahead of us, but we have to believe that when God is by our sides, nothing will go against us. God’s company is perfect upon us, so we must have the courage to move forward. Believe that when God is with us, He will give us victory. From today on, let us walk by always involving God, and never count on our own ability.


Make God the King in our life, and who reigns completely in us. Amen.


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