God Never Fails

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Reading Verse: Numbers 4:1-49

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.

Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9

In times of trouble, oftentimes we think that God has forgotten or left us. The truth is he really cares about our lives. God is never slow in keeping His promise. When He makes a promise, He will fulfill it in its perfect time. We must be patient and persevere in waiting for His promise. Keep in mind that He is human who can lie, He is God who always keep His words. So, never worry in facing anything. Keep holding on to God’s promise, which brings us to a victorious life.

When we are worried about our problems, just trust Jesus who never fails in offering His help for us. Jesus is the source of help, and He will always help us. His help is always on time, and He even has many ways to help us. So, never worry about anything as we’ve got God who will always support us.

God is never late in answering our prayers. Therefore, never stop praying, and send prayers to God without wavering. God is always ready to listen to every prayer. All we need is our faith. Never doubt because doubt can block the answer of our prayers.

God also never stops protecting us, because His protection is perfect. Wherever we are, God will always protect us from danger. He will keep evil away, and will always shield us with His love. Be grateful as we have God who never fails. Let our lives rely on Him as He guarantees our lives today and forever. With Him, we will live a victorious life. Amen.

God is never slow in keeping His promise, when He promises everything will be fulfilled in His time.

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