Outreach in Solo 25-27 April 2014

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During the above dates, Ps. Daniel Hendrata and Ps. Debby Catharina were ministering in Solo. Hosted by GBI Emunah Solo baru, under the leadership of Ps. Halim Pranata and his family.

On Friday evening, 25th April 2014, they conducted Guard Your Family Seminar entitled “Good Communication and Intimacy in Family.” Both Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby were expounding on the given topic for the first session. Then on the second session, the attendees were divided into two groups: husbands in one room, and wives in another room. Here, they received teachings on the intimacy difference between man and woman. At the end of this session, they were given room to ask questions, such that will never be discussed during Sunday Service. After that, at the third session, the attendees regrouped and were being prayed for, couple by couple.

Everyone who attended the seminar felt blessed, even wanting for similar sessions to be done more frequently in the future. The church has seen how important family issues are, and that the church must be able to provide answers to the problems that families are facing in reality nowadays.
Here are some of their comments:

“Great seminar, we got to know what is family, wife, etc. Yet, the time was so limited. Maybe next time we can conduct another one, concentrating on Intimacy – the most common problem in family.”

Ps. Halim Pranata and his wife, Mrs. Wella (Senior Pastor of GBI Emunah Solo Baru)


“We were so blessed by the teaching on Communication. No good communication results in misunderstanding. We also learned the difference between man and woman. Therefore husband and wife must be able to appreciate and honor each other. It’s also very important for husband and wife to have the fear of Lord, and forgiveness.”

Mr. Bambang Indrawijaya & Mrs. Yenny Suwarno.


On Saturday afternoon, 26 April 2014, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby were having a Talk Show entitled “Rise Up and Shine” with the Youth of GBI Emunah Solo Baru. This special service also happened to be the Youth Passover Celebration. This was where both pastors got to share their lives and inspire the young people to be impactful in the kingdom of God.
Here are some of the comments:

“We were so blessed by what was being shared last night, how to develop the potential and talents of young people. Most of them are not confident, and shy. But I believe they have great talents, if we can help them to grow. The young people were also blessed, evident by the status updates that they made on their BBM after the Youth service. They all made plans in developing themselves.”

Mr. Darmawan Hidayat & Mrs. Yulia Puspita Ekasari (Youth Leaders)


Finally on Sunday, 27 April 2014, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby were ministering in the three Sunday Services.
Praise the Lord for the Word that has been planted in the lives of the people, for the opportunity to be able to touch lives. We believe this series of ministry has blessed many, for the glory of God’s name. Amen!

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