Anugrah Congress, 23rd – 25th of Sept 2014

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For the first time in history, Anugrah Ministries conducted its first congress for 3 days and 2 nights. 100 servants of God from the towns, villages and provinces were gathered to attend the first Anugrah Congress in Jakarta. These are servants of God whose church building we have madeover, also the teachers and heads of Anugrah Learning Centers (Adikku Sayang scholarship program).

The purpose of holding Anugrah Congress is to equip these leaders so they can be effective in their works, and to change their paradigm in understanding in depth the impact that the grace of God has given in their lives. Thus the theme of the congress: Grace Impact.

All of them were grateful for this event. For many, it was first time experience flying with airplane. They had been struggling in the ministry for so long, and Anugrah felt the urge to give them a rewarding treat through this congress, to let them know that they are not alone, that we care.

During the day plenaries, they were given chances to discuss among their groups the strategies of the implementation of the teachings. During workshops, they were given chances to ask questions. Besides that, we conducted Revival Meetings two nights in a row. On the second night, we also held a mini concert, to launch our first CD album: Your Grace.

Thanks to God, we managed to get well-known key speakers, such as Ps. Seno Widjaja, Ps. Andreas Nawawi, Ps. Darmadi Sutanto, Ev. Billy Lantang, and influential professional people to be our workshop trainers, namely Astrid Hutagalung, Neeltje Sutandjati, and Anthony Santoso. Not to forget a special Good News episode that we taped in the middle of all the happenings, presenting the beautiful, life changing testimonies of doctor Utojo Lubiantoro, Ps. Suwito Adi, and Ronny Soeprajogi. Thanks also to the partners of Anugrah Ministries for their enthusiastic support that we could bring this long-awaited-and-prayed for event into reality. Held in the sanctuary of AbbaLove, Bellezza, it was a beautiful gathering of the front liners.

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