Compassion for The Sick, Singapore 23rd-26th September, 2011

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This trip to Singapore is totally different than all the other visits that we have ever done. We were invited to preach at New Destiny Fellowship International, Indonesian service. This church, under the leadership of Ps. Stefanus Widjaya, ministers especially to the sick Indonesians who are in Singapore for medical treatment.

Besides preaching, we visited many sick patients in the hospitals and also in their homes. We brought them gifts which were actually in their wish list, and prayed for each one of them. We met Ibu Diana (who is fighting against breast cancer), Pak John (who is recuperating from brain cancer surgery), and Kezya (a special girl who is always cheerful and willingly pray for others who are sick, though she was born without proper back bone, Spina Bifida, that caused her to be on wheelchair). We visited Ibu Lani who has been in semi-comma for the past 1.5 years. Also these brave children: Rachel, Aneth, Samantha, and Vellycia, who are fighting Leukemia.

Then we visited baby Kaitlyn whom Anugrah Ministries have been supporting from the beginning. Baby Kaitlyn is already 9 months by now; she shows a lot of improvement. Also Bagus who loves to build his own robot (he accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior that Sunday in church). We got to meet Jessica, a brain cancer survivor who just turned 17, Ibu Lenny, Abraham, Ibu Elisabeth, and many more. Ps. Daniel led another soul, Felicia’s mom to accept the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God!

This has been a very memorable trip, and we are doing it joyfully, as though we are visiting the Lord Himself. As written in Matthew 25:40, “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ ”

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