CMO – 20 BNKP Teolo, North Nias

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This date marked the beginning of Church MakeOver’s 20th project of Anugrah Ministries. Banua Niha Keriso Protestan (BNKP) Teolo Church, located in the north of Nias island, North Sumatra province. This church has a congregation of 255 souls (48 families), led by Ps. Syukurniat Zebua. Most of the congregation work as laborers in rubber plantation.

BNKP Teolo Church has been established since 5th May 1935. Before the tragic earthquake that hit Nias in 2005, they had a permanent church building that they were confident of. However, the earthquake destroyed the church building flat to the ground. The congregation worked hand in hand to make a very simple, temporary sanctuary, which is almost ruined by age now. They also tried to build a new permanent building, but could not continue because of the congregation’s economic condition.

Their building committee who happened to watch Good News program took the initiative to send proposal to Anugrah Ministries. After a long process of survey, all congregation and pastor were glad to find out that their proposal was approved. They even promised to be more faithful Jesus, and more diligent to go to church. Thanks to the partners of Anugrah who support this CMO program. God’s name be more glorified. Amen.

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Update on CMO 20


The 20th CMO project that we undertake is located in Teolo village, North Nias, North Sumatra. BNKP Teolo church is under the leadership of Ps. Syukurniat Zebua. Here is the update.

The standing brick walls that had not been plastered now have been plastered. The frame of 34 windows and 4 doors that had been installed but rotten because they had been long exposed to rain, now have been changed with the new ones. The building, which had no roof in the beginning of the project, now has been installed with roof truss; the installation of zinc roof is also in process.

On top of that, we are also presenting 6 units of public toilets (where they can take a bath, wash their clothes, and go to toilet as well) for the community. All the while, the people have to go to the river to do their business. Praise the Lord, with these public toilets, the living condition of the people will be improved.

The project goes well, though it has to face some challenges, for example the location of the project being very far away from the hardware store made the delivery cost to be sky high, the wood materials have to be transported manually since the location of the project is far away and difficult to reach, not to forget the challenge of climate/weather factor. We covet your prayer so we can complete this project on time. Thank you to our donators who have given their support for CMO 20. God bless all!

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The Inauguration of Church MakeOver 20 BNKP Teolo, 23rd of October 2014

BNKP Teolo is the first church project that we have in Nias island. This island is one of the furthest West of Indonesia. On 28th of March 2005 this island was shaken by a massive 8.6 RS Magnitude Earthquake. About 1,000 people were killed and 300 buildings destroyed. One of those buildings was BNKP Teolo church. Many came and tried to offer help in order to build back the church, but this project never actually started well. When we surveyed the location around November 2012, we only saw a construction site consist of four pillars and just a little bit of wall on one side. The church service was relocated at a temporary shack: ugly, depressing and run down. They have been praying for many years for God to answer this problem and finally Anugrah Ministries has become a God-sent team to help them.

Teolo is a remote village and located about 2 hours from Gunungsitoli (the main city in Nias island). There is no electricity connection yet and most houses do not have bathrooms. We started this project early January 2014 and it took about nine months to complete. Basically we built everything on top of the existing foundation and the four pillars of the church building. Besides that, we also contributed six public bathrooms for the community (whereby people can take shower, go to toilet, and wash their clothes). One of the biggest challenges for us to finish this project was the construction manpower; they were not so experienced like what we usually have in bigger cities. However, after nine months, finally we were able to inaugurate the church

23rd of October 2014 has become a major milestone not only for the church, but also for the whole community. In a village where 99% are Christians, this church has become the central activities of the society. Almost everyone in the village came to attend the church inauguration. As we approached the church compound, we notice so many people came and most of them were wearing colorful clothes. As Ps. Daniel and his team approached, they started dancing and shouting as part of their guest-welcoming ceremony. It was very touchy and yet very beautiful. They were proclaiming to each other that it was such an honor to have Ps. Daniel and Anugrah Ministries to come and to inaugurate their church. Ps. Daniel preached from Proverbs 20:6-7, “For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory. Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth.”

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