Church Make Over 38: GKN Berkat, Sibuluan Nauli, North Sumatra

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Anugrah Ministries is continuosly racing against time to fulfill God’s mission—outreaching and helping those in need of a proper place for worship, through the Church Make Over or CMO program. This program helps to lift the weight of the pastors and congregation or churches that are having a hard time to build their church due to financial difficulties. One of those churches is Gereja Kristen Nazarene or GKN Berkat which is located in Sibuluan Nauli, Central Tapanuli, in the province of Northern Sumatra, which is the 38th CMO project.

GKN Berkat is pastored by Ps. Stevanus Loambozanolo Halawa, along with his wife, Larisma Sibarani, has 80 people in their congregation. Most of them are fishermen and farmers, and more than 90% of them earn below the minimum wage. If seen from the economical point of view, then it can be made certain that the people of GKN Berkat will never have a decent place to worhip. Though this be the case, God remains faithful; in 2010, they were able to establish a church with the measurements of 8×15 meter through various efforts from the congregation. However, due to financial limitations, the building process was stopped after only 65% of completion. Persevering, the pastor and the church kept praying and trying to finish building the church, until God introduced Anugrah Ministries to them through the CMO Program, which eventually will help to bring their dreams to reality.

Monday, 21 November 2016 became a historic day for the pastor and his whole congregation in GKN Berkat, because the 38th CMO has started in their church. A joyful reception awaited us as the opening ceremony began. It was preceded with a short service, and continued with the installation of the ceiling, symbolically, to mark the beginning of CMO 38.

CMO 38 will cover the following works:
1. Installation of the roof
2. Renovation on the cracked walls
3. Replacement of the iron sheeting of the roof
4. Installation of the roof in the pastorial
5. Installation of the public bathroom
6. Installation of clean water reserve


Thank you for the never ending support from the partners of Anugrah Ministries. Your support and prayers are the cause of this project’s success from start to finish. To God be the glory.

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