Adikku Sayang Field Trip in Padang, 27th of September 2014

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The Adikku Sayang field trip in Padang was held on the 27th of September 2014 to PTPN6, a 1000-hectare State Owned Tea Plantation at Kayu Jao, Solok District, in West Sumatra. 13 Adikku Sayang students from Anugrah Learning Center at GKII Padang were brought on a trip to gain knowledge on how tea originated. Leaving from Padang on one and a half hour bus trip, the tea plantation was such beautiful scenery. The children was fascinated with the fact that all the tips of the green leaves were the product that made up the tea people actually drink and to see it for themselves. They went on to learn all the crucial steps that make up a great tea, and it was interesting to find that 90% of the products were exported to Europe and only 10% used in Indonesia.

The children then went on to stroll around the tea plantation and enjoyed a special day outside the city commotion, where they could relax and appreciate the beautiful nature with their friends not too far away from where they live. The activity concluded with a lunch and games in an open area on a hill overlooking the famous Twin-lake of Solok District.

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