Gender : Female
Birthday : May 6, 2001
Grade : 4
Parents Name : Mr. Yohanes Diabutar & Mrs. Ester Tambunan
Location : Panipahan
Parents Profession : Fisherman & Housewife
School : SDN Dua Desa
Dream Goal : Stewardess
After waking up in the morning, I tidy up my bed, wash my face, sweep the floor, and wash the dishes. I go to church to have breakfast and then I go home. I help out my parents to fold our clothings, cook, and play for a bit. At noon, I have my lunch then I go to school. My school starts at noon, where I study and play with my friends during the break. At 5 PM, my class is over, I go home and go straight to the church to learn in the Adikku Sayang Program until 6:30PM and I go home after that. I am happy, because my parents are kind, rarely get mad at me, and always support me to become successful.
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