Gender : Female
Age : 14
Birthday : July 28, 1999
Grade : 8
Parents Name : Mr. Waliyo
Location : Mangga Ubi
Parents Profession : Self Employed
School : SMP Eka Sakti
Dream Goal : Photographer
Every day I take the morning nutrition from the Anugrah Scholarship Program. I wake up at 5:00 am to pick up milk and eggs prepared (nutrients). Before that, I take shower first, put on my school uniform and leave the house to take the nutrition. Prior to that, I often pick up a friend who also received a scholarship, just like me. After we take the morning nutrition, I go to school with my father, when I go home, I usually walk home from school with my friends. After school I change clothes. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I have my tutoring at the place where I take the morning nutrition and in the evening, I pray and read the Koran in a mosque nearby my house. After that I go straight home and study. After I finish eating, I go to bed.
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