Gender : Male
Age : 16
Birthday : August 15, 1997
Grade : 8
Parents Name : Mr. Buto & Mrs. Umeng
Location : Mangga Ubi
Parents Profession : Labor & Housewife
School : SMP Harapan Bangsa
Dream Goal : Soccer Athlete & Architect
My day-to-day activities:
I wake up early, shower, tidy up my schoolbooks and uniforms. Then, I go take my morning nutrition such as eggs and milk. After that I went to school. Getting home from school, I usually take the chickens out of the cage and feed the pigeons on the roof. After that, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I always attend the learning centre at 04.00 pm. Then, after returning from the learning center, again I would feed the birds and chickens.
Those are my day-to-day activities.
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