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Reading Verse: Numbers 28:1-31

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalms 90:12

God has given the same amount of time for all of us, for instance we have 24 hours a day. However, there are people whose life controlled by time. And some even waste their time in this world. God desires for us to spend the best of our time so everything can go in balance. One of a few things we can meditate on time is that we can’t turn back time. Thus we must spend it wisely and don’t let it just pass by. When we experience a failure, never dwell or get drown in it because time goes on. Instead, we should get back up and move on so we don’t lose a chance to reach victory. Keep in mind that we are created to be conquerors, so keep going as time goes by.

Never let our past make us pessimistic and stay still. But we must move forward because God has provided victory for all of us. Past is behind us, and time can’t go back so never let fear overcome us to move on. Whatever that has happened in the past, take it as a lesson. Do the best now and focus our vision in the future.

Time is also related to waiting. Many of us have been waiting for God’s promises and answers to our prayers. Keep in mind that if our prayers haven’t been answered, God will make everything beautiful in its time. Our time is not His time; He has perfect timing to help us. Have patience in waiting. Use the time to have a solid relationship with Him, because no time is wasted when we use our time to be in His presence. Never forget that time in this world is not eternal. Let’s spend our time wisely with quality things so we will always find the best opportunities.

Never procrastinate because time goes on


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