Reading Verse: Exodus 18: 1 – 27
“The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant
between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.
Genesis 9: 16 (NKJV)
During the rainy seasons, we complain because there will be puddles of water everywhere on the roads that makes in uncomfortable for us. Nevertheless, without rain, there would never be any beautiful rainbow. Likewise, in life, we face many bad situations that will make us complain. Our lives are never free from problems and challenges. However, trust that behind every single bad situation that happens to us, there is always God working behind it. He makes everything beautiful in His time and there will come a time for us to see the rainbow of God’s love in our lives one day. We will not experience bad situations forever. He makes everything beautiful in His time for us, as long as we do our parts – be patient and surrender everything unto His hands.
The word of God tells us about the covenant made between Noah and God that was signed by the rainbow. God’s covenant is eternal; it will never fail in our lives. Thus, when problems come, trust on the promises of God. His promises will definitely be fulfilled in our lives. Hence, when we experience a difficulty, we should never give up. It is one of the ways that God uses to make us grow to be mature and bring us closer to Him. Thus, we should direct our eyes to Jesus only. Trust that God will never design anything bad for us, His plans are always great plans for His people.
The word of God says that He would never give a serpent to those who ask for bread. This means that He always gives us what’s best for us. Something for us to reflect on is that God has never promised us that our lives would be smooth and easy all the time. What He promised us is that He will give us the strength we need to overcome and eventually we will gain victory.
Thus, whatever we are facing today, hold fast to God’s promises. His rainbow of love will be revealed in our lives one day. Believe that our lives will not always be in the dark side, there will come a time when dawn breaks and His light of love to be revealed. Always trust only in God.
Thus, whatever we are facing today, hold fast to God’s promises. His rainbow of love will be revealed in our lives one day.
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