Outreach in Ternate, 14-17 February 2015

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Flying in the middle of the night, leaving Jakarta for North Mollucas, to a small island called Ternate. Ps. Daniel Hendrata and Ps. Debby Catharina were invited by GKPMI Betlehem Church, right on Valentine’s Day, Saturday, 14 February 2015. In the evening, at 7pm (Eastern Indonesia Time), both pastors were giving out a seminar entitled ‘The Power of Love’ to the youth, and husband-wife couples. Approximately 250 people were attending the event. The seminar was followed by a talk show, whereby questions, whether asked by the moderator or the congregation were answered.

After the talk show, Q&A session, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby gave a challenge, especially for the youth to dedicate their lives as holy sacrifice to the Lord. In groups they came forward to answer the altar call. The Holy Spirit worked mightily, visiting those young people. The presence of God was so real; the Lord touched everyone. Many of them shed tears, as they felt the love of the Father healing their broken hearts. We believe the lives of these young people will never be the same again. They will be separated, set apart for great works that God will do in their lives. There’s no better view than to see young people dedicating their lives to God on Valentine’s Day. This marks the beginning of a new movement that God will do in Ternate.

As a closing, Ps. Daniel and Ps. Debby also prayed for husband-wife couples. They were given a chance to express their love, to appreciate each other, and to seek forgiveness for the wrongs that they may have done. Once again, God strongly visited His people, restoring their lives. What a divine night to declare Ternate for the glory of God!

On the following day, Sunday, 15 February 2015, Ps. Daniel was ministering in two of GKPMI Betlehem Sunday services. He preached about ‘The Power of Speech’ and ‘Living with No Regrets.’ Ps. Debby also gave her testimony and presented a song in this opportunity. After each service, both pastors took the time to take pictures with the congregation, also to do book and cd signing. It turned out that many of them were Good News viewers.

While in Ternate, both pastors were treated very well by the families of GKPMI Betlehem. The food was delightful, the scenery wonderful, making ministry in Ternate unforgettable. Till we meet again, Ternate! May the Words that have been spoken not come back in vain, but it will take roots, grow, and bear fruits in the lives of His people. God bless!

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