Sumba Mission Trip

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Anugrah Ministries, in a joint operation with GII church from San Francisco, reached out to more than 1,500 people of Sumba island, in the area of Kodi and Waimangura. The people of Kodi were mostly poor, backward, dirty, and uneducated. The people of Waimangura were in a better condition than the Kodis, though they were also poor. The mission included medical clinic, workshop on farming, training for Sunday school teachers, and revival meetings.

We brought seven medical doctors and almost 300 kg of medical supplies. While the doctors checked the patients, we were busy praying for the sick. The results were amazing, many miracles took place: some deaf were healed; a paralysed little girl named Apliana, who never walked since birth, was able to walk for the first time; many who came with eye problems were healed as well, etc. Hundreds gave their lives to Jesus during the revival meetings. Praise God, hallelujah!

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