Right on this Easter Sunday, our team was on the move to reach out to 600 poor families in Pintu Air, Teluk Gong (one of the slump areas in Jakarta). These families suffered much due to the global crisis. Many lost their jobs and therefore they were unable to provide food for their family. Cooperating with a religious leader from this area, we conducted food distribution that would be good for one month supply.
If one family consisted of 4, that means we have reached out to 2.400 hungry people. We also prayed for the sick. Praise the Lord for the support that we raised from you, partners of Anugrah Ministries. Without your contribution, this activity could not take place successfully.
“Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me.” (Matthew 25:40)
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