Gender : Female
Age : 15
Birthday : April 6, 1997
Grade : 9
Parents Name : Bpk. Agus Santoso & Ibu Sri Rahayu
Location : Sumpiuh
Parents Profession : On Call Labor & House Wife
School : SMP Negeri 2 Sumpiuh
Dream Goal : Successful Entrepreneurs
Every morning exactly at five, I wake up and help my grandmother. Sometimes, I accompany her to go to the local market to sell her goods, such as banana leaves, spinach, and etc. After I get home from the market, I take shower and prepare myself for school.
After school is over, I go home right away, change my clothes, and have lunch. I rest for a bit, cook drinking water using firewood.
The clock is close to four in the afternoon, I clean myself and I make it a habit to study for tomorrow’s lesson at school and prepare the books that I would bring to school.
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