Gender : Male
Age : 9
Birthday : January 28, 2003
Grade : 3
Parents Name : Santihani Zebua
Location : Padang
Parents Profession : Labor
School : SD Kalam Kudus
Dream Goal : Pilot
In the morning, I usually get ready to go to the church for my egg and milk breakfast. After that, my mom accompanies me to go to school. At school, I learn and diligently study what is being taught. At school, I usually play with my friends and after that my mom picks me up from school.
When I get home, I usually have lunch and leave for church to go to the Anugrah Learning Program. The classes are usually held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. After the Learning Program, I usually look after my sister and take an afternoon nap.
My Dream goal is to be a doctor, because I want to heal the sick and I am very proud for doctors who sacrifice for their patients. I will reach my dream goal and in order to be able to do that, I will focus on my study and I will always bring it into my prayer.
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