Gender : Female
Age : 8
Birthday : September 27, 2006
Grade : 3
Parents Name : Mr. Rolasniroha & Mrs. Eva Marlina
Location : Aras 1
Parents Profession : Self employed
School : SDN Tanjung Gading
Dream Goal : Doctor
My favourite colour is pink; my favourite food is fried noodle. I love all of my family, moreover with my younger cousin, his name is Jason and he’s still a baby and is very cute. I have a dream on to becoming a doctor; every night before I go to sleep, I always read the bible. I am 7 years of age and my older brother’s name is Rafael. I like Christmas the most, since I can get new clothing. I dislike it when my mom gets mad at me, or ridiculed by my friends. Every time after meals, I usually wash the dishes and I love biking.
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