Why We Have Problems

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Reading Verse: Leviticus 23:1-44

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12

             In times of troubles, we sometimes ask why do all these problems have to happen? Problems can make us disappointed and feel despair. However, don’t let our lives be defeated by problems because everyone has problems; and as long as we live we will always have problems. Problems are there to exercise our faith, to make it grow and mature in Christ. A problem or a challenge can make our faith grow stronger in Him. As our faith grows, we will develop and know more about God’s personality. So in times of troubles, keep your faith so God’s power will be revealed.

Problems can also make us see God’s power that works in our lives. God is the only one who is able to help so we should not worry when trials come. Give all problems to God,  because no matter what we experience God is always working to bring goodness in our lives.
Having problems is one process to shape our character; it is for our own good so that from us flows the fruits of the spirit especially patience and joy in Jesus. God desires us to mature spiritually and to have the character of Christ. In the Word of God, there is a story about Job who was experiencing a process in his life but he remained strong, and in the end God restored and help his life.

When we encounter any challenges, face them calmly, don’t be pessimistic because with God there is always hope and a way out. Jesus always cares about our conditions. In times of troubles, persevere in prayers so we can have strength to survive and wisdom to face problems.
Believe that God’s plan is always good. Even though we hit rock bottom, don’t worry as God will always give us victory and He plans a future full of hopes and goodness. When we survive all problems, we will see His glory revealed in our lives.

With God we will be capable of facing each problem and Jesus will bring us to be conquerors. Amen

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