Frequently Asked Question

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

  1. What is the legality of Anugrah Ministries and Adikku Sayang, since when it has been officially in operation?

A: Anugrah Ministries is a non-profit organization, also known as Anugrah Pressindo Foundation. First in operation on 21st of September 2005 when GoodNews was first aired on QTV. Adikku Sayang is one of the programs that Anugrah Ministries has implemented.


Legalization of Establishment Deeds number 3, 14 February 2007 by Notary Mrs. Judy Kurniawan Herliman Sentana, SH, MH in Jakarta.

Legalized by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Republic Indonesia, on 20th August 2008. Number: AHU 3769.AH.01.02.Year.2008.

With Certificate of Foundation and Charity Organization: U


  1. What are the programs of Anugrah Ministries:

A: Anugrah Ministries has 3 pillars in its service:

  • Media: GoodNews program, Anugrah website, and print materials (books, newsletters, DVDs)
  • Compassion: Church MakeOver (CMO), Adikku Sayang Scholarship program, Relief for nationwide natural disasters, Biblical teachings to the inmates of Cipinang Correction Center for drug abuse, and visiting Orphanages, Elderly Home, etc
  • Outreach: Giving enlightenment through the Word of God in churches, interdenominationally both in Indonesia and overseas.


  1. How is this Foundation funded and who are the donators of this ministry?

A: Anugrah Pressindo Foundation (Anugrah Ministries) is a non-profit social foundation. So far, we are funded by people who share the same vision and have the same burden in our hearts. Everyone has the desire to become a blessing to others. You are one of the best candidates to become a donator or sponsor in this ministry. The little that you give is how much they need.


  1. How do I know that the donation or help that I give will be managed well and distributed  accordingly?

A: Anugrah Pressindo Foundation (Anugrah Ministries) is managed with transparent system and high integrity. Our motto: Every dollar and cent entrusted to us is ‘sweat and blood’ that we must give accountability for.

a)       Every fund that we receive is not received in personal bank account, but Anugrah Pressindo Foundation’s bank accounts.

b)       Every donator who gives out his/her complete data will receive official receipt and thank-you letter (donation package).

c)       Annually the Accounting of Anugrah Foundation is audited by independent Certified Public Accountant, and reported to the Board of Trustees that consists of a group of independent and professional people.

d)       Every activity is well documented, reported, and aired, whether through our TV media: GoodNews program, website, and newsletter.


Through these four points, every fund entrusted to us will be used maximally, in a good and right manner.


  1. Why do I have to partner with Anugrah Ministries and not with others?

A: You have the right to decide whom you will be in partnership with. If you however are burdened to become a blessing and to change the lives of many people, then you need a means or organization with high credibility, endurance, innovation, and good reputation. Anugrah Ministries is one of those organizations, and we will always be on the frontline, upholding the commandment written in the Word of God to bless the people who are in needs (Matthew 25:31-46).


  1. Is it safe to donate online?

A: Security guaranteed as we use payment gateway that is very professional – one that is widely used by national and prominent corporations – with verisign security system, PCI compliant system, as required by Visa and Mastercard since 2004. The purpose is to keep the confidentiality and to guarantee the security of the cardholder’s information. PCI compliant means the security of the cardholder’s data is guaranteed. This is one responsibility of a payment gateway with good reputation.

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