Gender : Female
Age : 8
Birthday : April 14, 2005
Grade : 3
Parents Name : Mr. Besriwan Turnip & Mrs. Risma Simamora
Location : Lampung
Parents Profession : Self Employed
School : SDN 01 Dwi Warga Tunggal Jaya
Dream Goal : Psychiatrist
I wake up in the morning at 5 and I start to pray. Then, I take shower and have my breakfast. At around 6, I go to church to have my morning nutrition of egg and milk and pray together with the other students. At 7 I go to school until 12 at noon. Then, I have my lunch at 1 in the afternoon. I attend then Anugrah Tutoring program from 3-5.30PM. As soon as I get home, I take shower, have my dinner, and play with my sister. Afterwards, I study the material received from school, pray and go to sleep.
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