Field Trip Adikku Sayang, TMII

We believe that we have had a productive year in our mission to implement a great future for the children who receive our Adikku Sayang scholarship program. Moving together with our partners, our steps are ever stronger with the vision to build a promising future generation for Indonesia.

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We believe that we have had a productive year in our mission to implement a great future for the children who receive our Adikku Sayang scholarship program. Moving together with our partners, our steps are ever stronger with the vision to build a promising future generation for Indonesia.

It has been more than a year, since the first inception of Adikku Sayang scholarship program by Anugrah Ministries. On July 10th, 2012, three of the four centres, comprising of about 20 scholarship students from Mangga Ubi, Cengklong, and Sumpiuh joined together in the annual educational trip. This time, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) was chosen as the venue due to its rich history of Indonesia in a miniature form. We believe that, enriching these children with the knowledge of Indonesia is the beginning of a step to understand their roots better as an Indonesian citizen.

Together with the Anugrah Ministries team, the students arrived at TMII and stationed at the Batak Area of North Sumatera. Upon arrival, led by the Anugrah team, the Adikku Sayang children were led into an opening prayer and given a big congratulation for the year well done.

We started off by playing a game “Whisper the Word” and an awesome story telling by Mrs. Esti with the theme “Becoming Light for the World” with the story of Daniel, David, and many more. It couldn’t have been better to be able to see these children with their eyes set on new hopes and new dreams knowing that God is always there with them in all circumstances of their present and future lives.

Keong Mas – an icon of TMII was not a miss as these children were welcomed to watch the show on preserving our earth’s wild nature of African elephants and Indonesia’s own of Orang Utan. It was good to see how they were equipped with the knowledge to preserving their natures starting at such a young age.

Joe Richard, Adikku Sayang Ambassador was able to join the event and becoming a part of an unforgettable event in the lives of these children. It was a pleasant scene to see that they set him as a positive example and influence and they look up to who he is and what he has done in his life. After a brief singing game with the children, we got into the peak of the event that is distributing the trophies. The Most Intelligent won by Markus Margo from Sumpiuh; Most improved won by Stevanus Madobura from Mangga Ubi; and Most diligent won by Johanes Eko Pujiantoro from Sumpiuh.

We were excited for their distinctive achievement and as what we usually did in the beginning of the year, these adikkku sayang children were given new bags, shoes, school supplies, and goodie bags.

We continued our journey to IT centres, and they were given the opportunities to be exposed with physics, chemistry, and sciences. These children were excited to learn great new things that they had not seen before.

Overall, it was a great experience with the Adikku Sayang Children. Their smiles, determination, and their hopeful futures gave us an equal strength that we do have greater tasks. We believe that the new academic year 2012-2013 will be a fruitful year, as we have seen the differences in their characters and habits in terms of their disciplines, punctuality, knowledge, and their loves for God and their families.

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