Merapi Mission Relief

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Indonesia has been hit again by so many natural disasters, flash flood in Wasior, Tsunami in Mentawai and Mt. Merapi eruption in Jogjakarta. Anugrah Ministries have already distributed your relief supplies to the victims of Mt. Merapi eruption. We worked together with GTA Youth, Budi Abadi Foundation and LGLP team, distributing the relief supplies to outskirt of Jogjakarta, Ngaglik in Sleman, Mino Martani and Ngawen village in Muntilan.

The highlight of the trip was Ngawen village, Muntilan. We were shocked to find out that this village of around 400 people had not received any kind of helped during the 10 days of volcanic-ashes rain. Although the price of rice had already shot up to almost twice the normal price, they still could not buy any because it was out of stock. They were really touched when we unloaded our supplies from the truck. They were VERY GRATEFUL to our GOD-sent team who helped to ‘EXTEND THEIR LIVES,’ as an elderly man put in words while crying. Many women were also in tears.

Thanks to God for trusting us, also to you, friends and partners of Anugrah, and the viewers of Good News program who had been so responsive, that Anugrah Ministries could carry out the distribution without any delay to help those who were really in need. Thank you!


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