Church MakeOver 13 – GIA Bawen

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9th of October 2012 was the day when we handed over the church as a completion of Church Makeover 13 in GIA Bawen, central Java. Ps Daniel Hendrata & Ps. Yeremia Selamet Yohadi signed  plaquete and about 250 people witness the event.

In his sermon, fom Collosians 3:1-3 about Seeking the things above, Ps. Daniel reminded the church to keep focusing their eyes unto Jesus. For the pastors and ministers, there would be times when we run in the field of ministry we would not see much personal benefits, and humanly speaking it could wears us out. But this CMO is a proof that God is fair and He has not forgotten His servants who are faithful.

God has set His eyes upon the small town and villages and He outpours the same degree of loves as those in the big cities. God is more than able to set promotions, and wanted to make the young people in this region to excell so that He could bless and use them for His glory. So from people who are so bound with poverty, this ia a chance for them to rise up and pursuit the destiny of God. This is a wake up call to all the village pastors to know and to prepare their congregations that all the devil meant for evil, God is more than able to turn the situation around for his purpose.

Ps. Daniel prayed for many pastors who came to the revival meeting and blessed them so that they will be more effective in running in the field of ministry. After that together they prayed in the altar call for the sick, burdened and whoever needed the touched and the blessings of God.

As for the Church makeover, we installed a new truss and roof, repainted the four walls of the church and the iron chairs. As for the pastoral home, we installed new ceilings, put some tiles in the rooms that did not have tiles yet, repainted all the walls, and  we also give new bedsets for Ps. Yeremia and his family. Thanks to all of you who have participated so that this CMO 13 can be done successfully.

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