Leoni Hutagalung

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Gender : Female

Age : 15

Birthday : July 28, 1999

Grade : 8

Parents Name : Mr. Arpan Hutagalung & Mrs. Lusy Sitompul

Location : Lampung

Parents Profession : Labor

School : SMPN 02 Banjar Agung

Dream Goal : Nurse


Brief Description :

In the morning I start my daily activities with prayer and immediately wash my face, brush my teeth and clean up my bed. Then I cook during the day off and replace my mom as she washes laundries in her customers’ homes.

But, when I’m in school, my mom usually is the one who cooks and usually accompanied by my favorite song, that is the spiritual song that gets me excited to live my life. After that I do the dishes from my breakfast . At 10 in the morning I clean the house, after that I watch my favorite TV show. Then I take the time to study. At 1 o’clock I take a nap until about 2 o clock, then I take a walk with my brother together around the house. After that I come home and do the dishes, then a shower and dinner. After that my family and I usually watch TV together and study for the lessons for school tomorrow.

I clean up my desk by 9 in the evening and go to bed, I never forget to pray, that my dreams would always be filled with beautiful and I always give thanks for the blessings that I receive, good and bad.


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