Davinka Christy Verino

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Gender : Female

Age : 9

Birthday : July 23, 2000

Grade : 4

Parents Name : Mr. Daniel Mardiono & Mr. Ruth Inur Asian

Location : Tanah Merah

Parents Profession : Freelance & Housewife

School : SD Harapan Bagi Bangsa

Dream Goal : Painter


Brief Description:  

Every day at 05.00 in the morning I wake up, then I take the time to pray and worship God. Then, I also have my morning nutrition of egg and milk. Once finished, I’ll go home and not forgetting to give thanks to God. Then my mom wakes up and opens the shop. I am very excited to see and feel the morning sun. Then, I go and make my bed and clean the house such as mopping, sweeping. When it’s 8, I was told to go and do the groceries and not forgetting to bring my spending note and money. After shopping, I learned at home.

After about 10:00, I get ready to go to school. After I finish taking shower, I go to school and study at school at 12.00 in the afternoon. I get home from school at 17.00. Getting home from school, I immediately take shower and eat. I’m happy and excited that I can go to school. Then, I study again & go to sleep.


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