Keep Praising the Lord

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Reading Verse: Numbers 8:1-26

Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.

Psalms 119:164

                  Praising God is a lifestyle of Christianity life. God deserves our praise and worship because He is Jesus the Almighty God. Praising God is eternal because in heaven we would also praise God. The Word of God says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” (Psalms 150:6). There is a suggestion and an order to praise the Lord. And we must obey His orders, so in life we should praise and worship God.

We also should praise the Lord with the intention to be thankful to Him. The lord has revealed His goodness so we should be grateful. There are many reasons why we must praise the Lord. It is written in Hebrew 13:15 “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.” So, when we praise the Lord, automatically He will give wisdom and a way out when we are in troubles. Therefore, not only in hardship, but also in all circumstances should we always praise the Lord. Although we struggle a lot, keep praising God so that we would be able to face the problems, and we will be given strength to face all things.

Praises to the Lord will bring us to His presence, because praise and worship will bring us closer to Him. As a result, we will always feel joyful. Being close to God makes us understand about His plan in our lives. When we praise Him, God will give special joy to our hearts; the joy from Him is eternal. While we are praising Him, we will get eternal comfort. So in times of sorrows, never give up nor find other exciting things to comfort you, but search Him by praising and worshipping to the Lord.

Give glory to the Lord and make His name great by our praises. Let’s fulfill our lives with praises to Jesus. No matter what we are experiencing today, stay grateful because He is good and His love lasts forever.

Praise and worship can bring us closer to God

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